Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Operation "Housework Sucks More Than Homework"


 As a single mom I have to do things that I’d rather not do.
 Take out the trash, change patio light bulbs, fix the fence, mow the lawn etc...
 I do have two teen aged daughters who think I am nuts for complaining about these tasks, but do they volunteer to do them? No.
 “Mom, we don’t need anyone else to do those things, we can do them.” says my oldest.
 By “we,” she means “me” as in “I" her mother.
 Apparently my kids think I can do anything.
 The fence is won’t close, call mom. The dishwasher is leaking, mom will fix it. The dog puked in the bathroom, let mom clean it up.
 Rarely do they tackle the mundane difficulties of life on their own.
 Obviously it is my fault they are so out of touch. The only requirement I have for them is straight A’s on report cards. For years they have fulfilled this one requirement. But of late, the second letter in the alphabet has been showing up.
 So, it is time to launch operation “Housework Sucks More Than Homework.”
 What does this plan entail you ask?
 Upon arriving home from school a fifteen minute respite is issued for snack-age and unwinding. Then all electronic social/reading/gaming/etc... devices will be removed from teenage access.    Homework will then be started and completed at the kitchen table, where I can oversee their efforts.  Once lessons are complete a task must be performed before the return of electronic devices.
 Those task include and are not limited to;

  • Bedroom cleaning: make the bed, put away clean clothes,vacuum if the room smells like feet.
  • Bathroom sanitizing:  spray and wipe off every surface in room, INCLUDING the toilet.
  • Living room purification: dust all surfaces, remove all cups, plates, ketchup bottles, soda cans, gum wrappers, chip bags, socks, shoes, retainers and anything else left in front of the television!
  • Laundry room purging: wash, dry, fold and put away everything made of fabric. 
  • Kitchen ablution: empty dishwasher of clean dishes and reload with the pile of dishes left in the sink for me to deal with.
  • Outdoor decontamination: pick up and throw away the dog poo from our yard.

 Now many people would think my kids would just take forever to finish the homework to avoid these task. Not so, to my kids, their electronic devices are vital.
 Without their i-devices how could they communicate with their friends? What would they talk about at school if they couldn't access  Who would they fan-girl with about the Supernatural guys?  Where would they look to find out about the weather? When would they get up without their alarm clock app? Their lives would shatter without access to the internet.
 So, their dependency on these devices is just the ticket for me to use to get my way.
 It is my goal that my girls to grow up and be intelligent, strong, independent women who kick butt and make lots of money. So I will commence with operation "Housework Sucks More Than Homework” to get them to my goal.
  Hopefully they will continue to help around the house once their grades are back up, but I doubt it. No, I know it. I’m mom, in their eyes, I can do anything.


  1. Our rules - you are A students, and B students do not have phones, they do not have cars and definitely do ride horses (not in our home anyway)- the decision is theirs. We have a students! But seriously, I've always explained to them that we only expected straight A's because they are beyond capable. Our goal with our children - to raise healthy, happy and productive members of society.
